When will the stripping of the feminine, end? When will it be enough? Is it not enough that she is stripped physically and paraded naked in front of everyone? Is it not enough that her physical boundaries are transgressed in every gruesome way, legitimate or illegitimate, in every possible circumstance? Is it not enough that her rights over her own body are denied, bartered, bought, and sold on the open market of culture and politics? Is it not enough that her emotions are imprisoned and blown apart into a million little pieces—emotional, PMS, hysterics, crazy, nuts? Is it not enough that her deep intuition is ridiculed as sorcery and evil yet celebrated in a masculine and nobel-prized? Is it not enough that five million witches burned at the stake do not in any way equal one masculine nailed to a cross? Is it not enough that she dims her own light just to lighten the masculine ego? Is it not enough that she had to walk through fire to prove her innocence and then be banished? From earth first, then from history, then from myth? Is it not enough that she is stripped to her bones first, then ground into the ethers, and then obliterated out of all memories and out of all time? Will she be stripped in, and of timelessness? How about in spacelessness? No, never in the great void! Why? Because She is the great void and the greatest sorceress. She is the creatrix and the destructrix, the regeneratrix and the disintegratrix. She destroys all of Herself in order to re-create Herself all over again in a new, more breathtaking way! She is the greatest power. She is the great, awesome terrifying power. She is every divine feminine. She is every feminine. And every feminine knows this in Her bones! For the distorted masculine, this recognition creates a primal fear. And so he strips her, foolishly. But the more the feminine is stripped, the more she comes into her true power. So, feminines, have no fear of being stripped because you can never be destroyed. While it may appear that you are stripped out of every possible space, in every perceivable time, it is purely driven by fear—a distorted masculine fear. Instead, a divine masculine knows that the most natural state of His being is to strip Himself of every fear and submit all of Himself to fearlessness. In fearlessness, the feminine creative force regenerates stronger, fuller, brighter, and softer, built in purest love and purest purity. The only stripping that is therefore needed and most natural is the stripping of fear.