
Kaleidoscope Queen

O pretty lass stuck to a screen,
you twirl and shimmer, dance 
and strut, like a rainbow dream. 
O how pretty you must look 
to eyes that can’t see.

You dance wild in the valley of the blind  
and you prance free, hoping to catch 
the glint of the one-eyed king.

Surely, in your bright reds, he must see
the broken shards of your bleeding heart.
And in your bright yellows, he must see 
the pearly crusts of your oozing heart.

Surely in your bright oranges he must see, 
the seething rivers of your caged heart.
And in the dark blues, he must see,
the frozen breaths of your choking heart.

Ah, yes the one-eyed king did briefly see, 'neath the oozing, burning, weeping, and choking,
lay his beguiling crystalline beauty queen.

The news arrived early this morning -
the one-eyed king now fully blind, shall
be crowned ruler of all lands stretching 
out as far as eyes can’t see.

Glory! to the twice born king!
Glory! to the twice born king!

The blind king clutched his crown tight
to his head as it swelled with pride.
Excitedly, he reached over to grasp her in glee.

A trickle of warm blood on a finger and
a puddle of glass memories now lay pretty,
under a halo crown, that once adorned
the Kaleidoscope Queen!